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Manchester, United Kingdom
The Blogger on Fashion Forecaster is a Active fashion trend/ beauty researcher and Technical designer. This Blog regularly predicts the latest fashion trends and giving idea's what to purchase on your next shopping trip! Also showing various of work the designer has conducted or work in progress! It is a Blog recommended for fashion lovers and fashion conscious women.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Trend Alert!

These shorts are really cute! Great for the upcoming Spring/Summer 2012! Vintage like shorts customized with studs which you can purchase in your local fabric shop! Studs are easily applied by pushing the studs in and close 4 or 2 sided grips from the inside to secure it! Why not try customizing your short shorts?

1 comment:

  1. I love love love studded denim shorts and jackets and studded leather jackets too but I've never been able to wear shorts confidently due to me carrying most of my weight on my thighs.

