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Manchester, United Kingdom
The Blogger on Fashion Forecaster is a Active fashion trend/ beauty researcher and Technical designer. This Blog regularly predicts the latest fashion trends and giving idea's what to purchase on your next shopping trip! Also showing various of work the designer has conducted or work in progress! It is a Blog recommended for fashion lovers and fashion conscious women.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Make Your Own Bow Tie!

If you have time and want to get creative why not make your own bow tie?
You could go to your local fabric shop and purchase less than half a meter of velvet material or any type of material you fancy. It's a lot cheaper to make your own than purchasing in a store! I advise you to purchase a type of material that has a bit of weight, to enable to fall nicely like on the photograph.

1) Choose your material.

2) Decide how big you want your bow tie to be in a rectangular shape (please leave room for seam allowance for sewing).

3) Cut 2 pieces of rectangular shape.

4) For the centre piece cut it in a width/length you desire and leave seam allowance for sewing.

5) Use a sewing machine (you can alternatively hand sew but make sure you stitching is close together) using the straight stitch to sew the 2 corners including the length across on the reversed side of the material. You should have one side open to so you can bag it out after.

6) Bag the material out and you should have one side open, fold the seam allowance inside and stitch it together closely to the edge.

7) For your centre piece fold both seam allowance inside so it's sandwiched together, straight stitch along the edge.

8) Once finished grab your rectangular shape piece and centre piece to make the bow, cut any access material from the centre piece and sew it together neatly.

9) To stable to bow tie you can use the same material or make a strip using satin ribbon to stable it on your neck.

10) To achieve a fastening you can have a Velcro strip, mini buckle, or button fastening so that it's easy to remove your bow tie!


  1. I made some bow ties for my shop using some vintage fabric scraps I collected! I love making them! xx

    1. That sounds great Erin :) I love vintage fabric too! have you tried making anything else out of it? <3

  2. Yeah i've made some little lavender pouches but I will have to think of some more stuff to do as i've got quite a few pieces left.

    1. Oh cool, have you got any pictures of it on your blog I can check out? <3

  3. Yes I do, I think they're tagged under Etsy.

