Glossybox VS Birchbox
So Glossybox or Birchbox?
I am not going to state every detail about what is inside and what the use of each item is as everyone does this, but instead I want to state my opinion.As I said on previous post that I've only recently started looking at beauty boxes, so I decided at looking at one of the two top beauty box companies around at the moment.First of all Birchbox first impressions were nice packaging and illustration display of Lulu Guinness feature, I was particularly impressed with the products as I felt that it has a 'high end' feel towards it. One good point is they do look into expensive and unknown/not as known brands. I like everything else apart from the rock because I don't think I will be eating it; however it is a nice touch to the box illustration and will be on display in my room in case if anyone wants to eat it! The packaging on Birchbox feels a lot cheaper and very environmental friendly intirms of material of the box and bag that comes with it, comparing to Glossybox it's a much bigger box and it feels nice against my hands with more room to put own beauty products in.
I haven't been overall happy with Glossybox lately and I don't think many people have either. But I was pleased with this months box as it has products I would actually use with the correct colours. One thing I notice in beauty boxes is it's nice when they divide each products for each reason say 1 product is for skincare, face, lips, hair, hands. I don't like products duplicating. Full size products will be the best products in any beauty box as they will raise up the value of what you are paying for. Both companies I have subscribed to are good because it doesn't require any type of contract - you can easily sign off it when you want to for what ever reason; but for the moment I will keep my subscription until I find a reason to undo it.
Overall,Birchbox products tend to be more classier and less high street feel towards the end products. But I am disappointed in the packaging - but the products are reasonably 'good'. Not sure what to do with the boxes still but the organic type draw string bags are useful to carry around your beauty products if your on the go.
Glossybox products sometimes do have a high street and regular feel towards end products depending whether you get a mix and match product that includes a expensive products like March 2014 box as this included a serum. Packaging is very pretty and high quality and boxes can be re-used; i.e. can be made into draws for your desk etc.At the moment I have mixed feelings I like Birchbox products, but I like Glossybox packaging. I've only had one Birchbox so far so I can't really tell what future products they may have; although I do have confidence in them.
On the other hand I've had 3 Glossybox's so far but with them they are very unpredictable - you never know what you get - it can be a really bad box or a really good box (products are not consistent which they should really - I think theirs something wrong with the buyer or something is wrong).
Hope you enjoy reading my rant/opinion!
Fashion Forecaster.

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